Uncategorized What is SENet? Hey! I cooked crapes at home.Today SENet SENet won ILSBRC2017 and error rate was 2.25%.This is deep learning mod... 2022.01.30 Uncategorized
Uncategorized 【AI】SENetってなんだ? どーも!お家でクレープを作ったTTです。本日はSENetについてとりあげたいと思います。 SENetとは SENet(えすいーねっと)と呼びます。ILSBRC2017の優勝作品で誤差は2.25%です。Jie Huさんという方が... 2022.01.30 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Hey! The test for AI engineer will take place 3 weeks later.2022/1/29 2022.01.29 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Hey! Today, my holiday golf is postponed and I am so dissapointed/2022/1/28 2022.01.28 Uncategorized
Uncategorized Hey! I rushed to go home as I had heard that heavy snow would come tonight.I hope my colleages are not attacked by the ... 2022.01.26 Uncategorized